Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a summary of the most important questions we need to answer most often for our clients:
Why isn't it easy to use a simple email address channel?
Anonymity can not be guaranteed by using the email for the account or only with the active participation of the notifier (create a new email address that the notifier anonymizes) . In the case of an email account, it is more difficult to ensure the protection of the content of your report and access to your report.
What are the functions of the system after ordering?
On the organization's website, a link (s) to each channel of the reporting system must be placed on the internal intranet page. Users of the solution groups associated with each channel must be recruited on the administrative interfaces.
After making the Color settings to suit your organization, the organization logo can also be uploaded to the system
Is there a need to take any further action in addition to purchasing a subscription?
The organization shall define and implement an internal process to investigate reports of abuse. It must be ensured that the investigator (s) carry out the examination process without interruption during the investigation. As part of your subscription, you will receive a GnM documented abuse reporting process and draft policy.
What does it mean to tailor the case and the rules?
The internal communication of the organizations, the determination of the investigators, where it is carried out with internal resources and with the help of an external expert. The steps of the process and the order of supporting documentation will be different in one organization than in another. The start and end points of the channel can also be different, so access documentation must be customized.
The communication reporting channels and wait-and-see modules managed in the system impose different documentation requirements on each organization.
Who can handle abuse reporting?
Yes. The Regulation provides for the possibility for an organization required to operate a reporting channel to outsource the investigation of reports to a specialized company or external legal representation in order to ensure maximum impartiality and the effectiveness of investigations.
What does a channel mean?
In the GM system, the channel and nice either me or a type of filing enabling s registration system. For example, the reporting of suspected abuse by Kovács Kft as a channel for information security incident reporting is also required when another channel counts. Because access to a different account must be provided for data filed in one and the other category
What does the number of administrators mean?
In the GM system, the channel and nice either me or a type of filing enabling s registration system. For example, the reporting of suspected abuse by Kovács Kft as a channel for information security incident reporting is also required when another channel counts. Because access to a different account must be provided for data filed in one and the other category
How secure is the Gill & Murry system?
Gill & Murry is ISO 27001 certified and has been providing information security, GDPR and IT security consulting for over 10 years and has a number of references.
In the case of anonymous reporting, we do not store any information about the notifier, all communications take place on a secure channel, the stored data are all stored in the European Union and the system has been designed with proper data backup and redundancy.
Administrators have a two-step login system to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data.
What additional services are available under the software license?
In the Gill & Murry system, you can manage and document your employees and external partners in one interface for any customer notification. You can forward notifications to a dedicated user through a separate channel. information security incident, possible suspicion, complaint handling.
Different resolution groups for each notification type can be dictated and access managed accordingly.
Manager can document reports and related processes with a manager for weekly status reasons